
Why Chinese is easy?

What makes Chinese hard?
1.There are four different tones.
2. Character writing can be difficult with all of the strokes. There is a Romanized system called pinyin.
3.Some structures can be difficult, such as measure words. The word modifying the number changes depending on whether it is general, paper/book, cup/bottle, etc
What makes Chinese easy?汉语容易学的原因是什么?
1. There are no verb conjugations.没有词形变化。
2.There is no gender.没有格。
3.There is no noun-adjective agreement.
4.There are no articles (the, a, an).没有冠词。
5. There is no number agreement (three books).
6. Numbers are easy: 20 = 2-10s, èr shì; 30 = 3-10s, san shì数字简单。
7. Days of the week and months are easy. 日、月的表示方法很简单。
8.There are no capital and small letters.没有大小写字母。
9.If you know 1000 commonly used characters, you will recognize 90% of the characters on Chinese newspapers.只要认识1000个汉字,就可以认读报纸杂志中90%以上的汉字。

