What makes Chinese hard?
1.There are four different tones.
2. Character writing can be difficult with all of the strokes. There is a Romanized system called pinyin.
3.Some structures can be difficult, such as measure words. The word modifying the number changes depending on whether it is general, paper/book, cup/bottle, etc
What makes Chinese easy?汉语容易学的原因是什么?
1. There are no verb conjugations.没有词形变化。
2.There is no gender.没有格。
3.There is no noun-adjective agreement.
4.There are no articles (the, a, an).没有冠词。
5. There is no number agreement (three books).
6. Numbers are easy: 20 = 2-10s, èr shì; 30 = 3-10s, san shì数字简单。
7. Days of the week and months are easy. 日、月的表示方法很简单。
8.There are no capital and small letters.没有大小写字母。
9.If you know 1000 commonly used characters, you will recognize 90% of the characters on Chinese newspapers.只要认识1000个汉字,就可以认读报纸杂志中90%以上的汉字。
Evolution of Chinese Characters汉字的演化
Above is the comparisons for different Chinese scripts for some common Chinese characters:
Chinese characters have evolved from 甲骨文 Jiaguwen (inscriptions on tortoise shells and animal bones) to today’s characters over a long process.
甲骨文 Jiaguwen( Shang Dynasty c. 1765-1122BC)----- 钟鼎文 Zhongdingwen(1121-771BC )----小篆 Xiaozhuan----隶书 Lishu (official script). In the Han Dynasty (206BC-AD8)---- 草书 Caoshu------行书 Xingshu (running script) —楷书 Kaishu
二、课时极不稳定。 学生的学习没有硬性要求,是随意的,很多人要经常出差,一两个星期甚至更长时间不上课是正常的。那么学生不上课的时候,你就百无聊赖地喝西北风吧!
homestay--best way to experience a REAL Chinese life
Staying with a local Chinese family is definitely the best and fastest way to learn the Chinese language and culture, to make Chinese friends and to travel in China without paying the rent!
As a fully integrated family member you will eat, cook, watch TV, shop, and experience day-to-day life with your host family. The family will provide you with a safe, clean and hospitable environment, and assist you in your transition to life in China!
For students, short –time travelers and language learners .
This Program is flexible and held for everyone all year round.
As a fully integrated family member you will eat, cook, watch TV, shop, and experience day-to-day life with your host family. The family will provide you with a safe, clean and hospitable environment, and assist you in your transition to life in China!
Our main services are “free home stay” and “charged home stay”.
Free home stay
You are required to teach your one of your host family members English (or other languages) about 4 hours a week. You receive free accommodation in return.
Charged home stay
Free home stay
You are required to teach your one of your host family members English (or other languages) about 4 hours a week. You receive free accommodation in return.
Charged home stay
You pay a cheap rent, the family members just speak Mandarin to you in daily life in order to improve your Chinese level. The family expects you can exchange cultures with them.
Charged Home Stay fee depends on the living condition of your host family and the length of your stay.
Fees and application procedures
Charged Home Stay fee depends on the living condition of your host family and the length of your stay.
Fees and application procedures
Application fee200 RMB for registration.500 RMB cancellation fee . Airport picks up fee: around 300 RMB.
1. Apply with CV, personal Statement, and Copy of passport photo page; email it together with a Fully Completed Application Form to: yuyanshijie@hotmail.com or victory.xzm@hotmail.com
2. Make your payment of Registration fee, 200RMB.
3. Visit your host family with our employee.
Contact information:
Tel :(0086)-400-6709394 (0086)150 211 55123
E-MAIL: yuyanshijie@hotmail.com victory.xzm@hotmail.com
2. Make your payment of Registration fee, 200RMB.
3. Visit your host family with our employee.
Contact information:
Tel :(0086)-400-6709394 (0086)150 211 55123
E-MAIL: yuyanshijie@hotmail.com victory.xzm@hotmail.com
1. 接待家庭的申请资格是什么?
3)对 Homestay 这种文化交流的形式感兴趣,愿意帮助外国朋友了解中国文化、风俗,尽快适应中国家庭的生活习惯,同时愿意了解不同国家的文化。4)家庭氛围友好和睦,家庭成员品行端正,性格开朗,处事态度平和。
2. 住家老外一般来自哪里?
5. 关于2种不同形式的接待家庭
“免费接待家庭”: 免费接待家庭可获得来访客人为您的家人每周补习 3小时外语作为免费接待的回报。其优势在于:1)省钱、省事,快速提高外语的听力和口语水平:您免费接待一位访客的额外支出每月不超过千元,您将有大量的口语练习机会,这是您及家人提高外语水平最直接和最经济的方式;2)结交外国友人,了解西方文化。为您的家人出国提供可靠的信息和有用的资源。“收费接待家庭”:接待费用根据您家的地段、设施、小区档次等综合指数评估决定。大约为人民币400-600元/周, 或人民币 1500-2500元/月。您可以用汉语或外语与来访客人交流,但客人没有为您和您的家人补习外语的义务。其优势在于:为您及家人提供国际化交友环境及了解不同国家文化的同时,也可以利用家庭空闲的房间增加收入。
l 签证检查,确保住家老外的合法入境身份;
l 健康证检查,确保住家老外身体健康,事实上只要是合法渠道进入中国境内的外国人都是经过了边防检疫的;
l 住家老外入住寄宿家庭后须去辖区派出所和街道居委会登记备案;
l 签订Homestay协议,规范住家老外的行为,明确双方的权利和义务。
l 其他证件检查,例如外国专家证、工作证、学生证等,虽然这些不是必备的。
9. 申请的具体程序如何?
1)下载并 填写表格后Email给我们yuyanshijie@hotmail.com victory.xzm@hotmail.com
2) 请提供可居住的卧室、客厅和洗手间等相关照片(Email或邮寄)。
3) 通过申请后,进行电话访谈、确定家访时间。
1. 接待家庭的申请资格是什么?
3)对 Homestay 这种文化交流的形式感兴趣,愿意帮助外国朋友了解中国文化、风俗,尽快适应中国家庭的生活习惯,同时愿意了解不同国家的文化。4)家庭氛围友好和睦,家庭成员品行端正,性格开朗,处事态度平和。
2. 住家老外一般来自哪里?
5. 关于2种不同形式的接待家庭
“免费接待家庭”: 免费接待家庭可获得来访客人为您的家人每周补习 3小时外语作为免费接待的回报。其优势在于:1)省钱、省事,快速提高外语的听力和口语水平:您免费接待一位访客的额外支出每月不超过千元,您将有大量的口语练习机会,这是您及家人提高外语水平最直接和最经济的方式;2)结交外国友人,了解西方文化。为您的家人出国提供可靠的信息和有用的资源。“收费接待家庭”:接待费用根据您家的地段、设施、小区档次等综合指数评估决定。大约为人民币400-600元/周, 或人民币 1500-2500元/月。您可以用汉语或外语与来访客人交流,但客人没有为您和您的家人补习外语的义务。其优势在于:为您及家人提供国际化交友环境及了解不同国家文化的同时,也可以利用家庭空闲的房间增加收入。
l 签证检查,确保住家老外的合法入境身份;
l 健康证检查,确保住家老外身体健康,事实上只要是合法渠道进入中国境内的外国人都是经过了边防检疫的;
l 住家老外入住寄宿家庭后须去辖区派出所和街道居委会登记备案;
l 签订Homestay协议,规范住家老外的行为,明确双方的权利和义务。
l 其他证件检查,例如外国专家证、工作证、学生证等,虽然这些不是必备的。
9. 申请的具体程序如何?
1)下载并 填写表格后Email给我们yuyanshijie@hotmail.com victory.xzm@hotmail.com
2) 请提供可居住的卧室、客厅和洗手间等相关照片(Email或邮寄)。
3) 通过申请后,进行电话访谈、确定家访时间。
Chinese numbers and gestures 中文数字
1 一 (yī)
2 二 (èr)
3 三 (sān)
4 四 (sì)
5 五 (wŭ)
6 六 (lìu)
7 七 (qī)
8 八 (bā)
9 九 (jĭu)
10 十 (shí)
2 二 (èr)
3 三 (sān)
4 四 (sì)
5 五 (wŭ)
6 六 (lìu)
7 七 (qī)
8 八 (bā)
9 九 (jĭu)
10 十 (shí)
—– Learn Chinese for Greetings —–
—– Learn Chinese for Greetings
—–-Nihao! 你好! (Hello. How do you do?)
ni - you; hao - good
------Nihao ma? 你好吗? (How are you?)
Hen hao. 很好。(Very good.)
-------Xie4xie. 谢谢。(Thank you.)
—–-Nihao! 你好! (Hello. How do you do?)
ni - you; hao - good
------Nihao ma? 你好吗? (How are you?)
Hen hao. 很好。(Very good.)
-------Xie4xie. 谢谢。(Thank you.)
toilet language
Toilet Talk in Chinese 在中国怎么找厕所?
NO MISTAKE! Three important things for fundamental needs to every one in our daily life: food, bed and toilet,the most important words we learn today is about TOILET talk in Chinese.
卫生间(wèishēng jiān, sanitation - room, restroom)
洗手间(xǐshǒu jiān, washing-hand-room, washing room)
NO MISTAKE! Three important things for fundamental needs to every one in our daily life: food, bed and toilet,the most important words we learn today is about TOILET talk in Chinese.
卫生间(wèishēng jiān, sanitation - room, restroom)
洗手间(xǐshǒu jiān, washing-hand-room, washing room)
If you cann’t remember all of them, just try to recognize the two characters as indicated in the picture: 男(nán, Men’s, Gent’s),女(nǚ,Women’s, Ladies).
____________ _________________________
Attention, there is a slight difference between the three Chinese expressions for toilet:
– 厕所(cèsuǒ) is mostly used for public place, like in tourist sites, gardens, schools, or roadside toilets. And 公共厕所 (gōnggòng cèsuǒ, public toilet/lavatory) is printed often on the wall of the toilet, a separate building most of the time. Sometimes you can easily find the sign by the roadside with Chinese characters or English for toilet. If you are looking for it, you may ask:
** Qǐngwèn, nǎer yǒu cèsuǒ?
** 请 问,哪儿 有 厕所?
(Excuse me, where is the toilet?)
– 卫生间 (wèishēng jiān, sanitation - room) is mostly refered to the toilet inside buildings like hotels, restaurants, office buildings or private houses. If you are looking for it, you may ask:
** Qǐngwèn, xǐshǒu jiān zài nǎer?
** 请 问, 洗手 间 在 哪儿?
(Excuse me, where is the restroom?)
– 洗手间(xǐshǒu jiān, washing - hand - room). In Chinese hotels and private houses, bathtub and the toilet are in the same room. So when you ask “May I use your 洗手间(xǐshǒu jiān, washing room)?“, it means either just wash your hand or use the toilet. You may ask:
** wǒ kěyǐ yòng yíxià nǐ de xǐshǒu jiān ma?
** 我 可以 用 一下 你 的 洗手 间 吗?
(May I use your washing room?)
It is good enough to remember these toilet talk in Chinese. And there is a common Chinese euphemisms for “I want to use the toilet” , if you can say that fluently, it means have master the essence of Chinese language, as “Do as Chinese do when in China”:
** Duì bu qǐ, wǒ qù fāngbiàn yíxià。
** 对不起,我去 方便一下。(方便 fāngbiàn, convenience)
(Excuse me, I’ll go to the restroom for a while. )
____________ _________________________
Attention, there is a slight difference between the three Chinese expressions for toilet:
– 厕所(cèsuǒ) is mostly used for public place, like in tourist sites, gardens, schools, or roadside toilets. And 公共厕所 (gōnggòng cèsuǒ, public toilet/lavatory) is printed often on the wall of the toilet, a separate building most of the time. Sometimes you can easily find the sign by the roadside with Chinese characters or English for toilet. If you are looking for it, you may ask:
** Qǐngwèn, nǎer yǒu cèsuǒ?
** 请 问,哪儿 有 厕所?
(Excuse me, where is the toilet?)
– 卫生间 (wèishēng jiān, sanitation - room) is mostly refered to the toilet inside buildings like hotels, restaurants, office buildings or private houses. If you are looking for it, you may ask:
** Qǐngwèn, xǐshǒu jiān zài nǎer?
** 请 问, 洗手 间 在 哪儿?
(Excuse me, where is the restroom?)
– 洗手间(xǐshǒu jiān, washing - hand - room). In Chinese hotels and private houses, bathtub and the toilet are in the same room. So when you ask “May I use your 洗手间(xǐshǒu jiān, washing room)?“, it means either just wash your hand or use the toilet. You may ask:
** wǒ kěyǐ yòng yíxià nǐ de xǐshǒu jiān ma?
** 我 可以 用 一下 你 的 洗手 间 吗?
(May I use your washing room?)
It is good enough to remember these toilet talk in Chinese. And there is a common Chinese euphemisms for “I want to use the toilet” , if you can say that fluently, it means have master the essence of Chinese language, as “Do as Chinese do when in China”:
** Duì bu qǐ, wǒ qù fāngbiàn yíxià。
** 对不起,我去 方便一下。(方便 fāngbiàn, convenience)
(Excuse me, I’ll go to the restroom for a while. )
How to improve your Chinese?
How to improve your Chinese?
Many people believe Mandarin Chinese is a difficult language. BUT its NOT true.
After only two lessons of the Self-Paced Courses or two sessions of Conversation Class LIVE at http://www.yuyanshijie.com/en, most students say that Chinese is a very logical language, and it is easy to learn .
LEARN Chinese,must PRACTICE Chinese immediately after your learning.
we create a efficient teaching method----you can choose any topic you want to know, learn it with the teacher ,then you can go to practice by yourself or with the teacher. If you are busy,no much time for systemic Chinese grammer,if you are just intested in some language and culture topics ,if you are pragmatism,join us! you must can find what you need.
learn chinese,WIN in china
China play a major role in world affairs in the future,and its the business centre of the world.
Chinese is easy, fun and interesting!
If you know 1000 commonly used characters, you will recognize 90% of the characters on Chinese newspapers!
Chinese is important for your career! Knowing Chinese may give you an edge when competing for an important position!
博文 (Atom)